Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Golf Carts (Already?)

     Yes it's true, those are new carts you are driving in today. Even though they were only a little less than two years old the lease on our golf carts was up and so the ClubCar trucks showed up in our parking lot this morning and delivered a new fleet of 60 golf carts, 2 electric utility vehicles, a new range picker and a beverage cart. The new carts are very similar to the old ones and look very shiny and new. Please take good care of them!!
ClubCar Trucks from Augusta, GA

Carts without Tops

New Fleet Ready To Go!

     The GPS units will be installed very soon on the new carts for your enjoyment. A BIG THANKS to our handyman Craig for taking care of the removal of the GPS units and the switch over from the old chargers to the new ones.