Monday, February 6, 2012

Changes To #7 Green and Collar

     After we finished up our drain and sod project on #6 fairway, we had some extra sod left over and decided to use the sod to fix a few other areas around the course. We fixed parts of the collars on #3, #4, #7, #8 and #9. Other than #7 these areas of the collars were worn out areas that needed to get sodded. We had tried seeding all of the areas but had little success due to high amounts of traffic.
     On #7 we have been fighting some scalping on the right edge of the green towards the back due to the original design of the green edge. Tom and I made the decision to make the green a little smaller by about 18" and change the area from green height to collar height by adding in some of the rye grass sod. This should help out with the scalping issue from the greens mower now that the edge of the green does not drop off in the last 18 inches. This will also give a little more room for the balls that run off the green in this area. We were also able to cut out some of the good areas of the green edge and use those plugs to fix a couple areas on other greens.

#7 Green- White paint will be the new green edge


More collar and less green

Enrique fixing the front of the green with plugs

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Finally A Fix On #6

     With a small staff and a lot to do our decisions with our priority of projects is sometimes difficult to make. Our assistant superintendent Tom and I at any one time probably have a list of 100 projects big and small that need to be accomplished. Most of the time it comes down to budget and time constraints as we try to make the best decision on what we can accomplish.
     So now comes our issues on #6 fairway. I will start by saying that the soil in and around holes 5 and 6 is horrible. Ever since the golf course was redesigned, we have had problems with these two fairways mainly due to the soil and the addition of the mounds in between these holes. When the holes were redesigned the architect took the topsoil from the the old fairways and created the mounding between the fairways so he could create some separation of the holes. Doing so created some issues that we are still dealing with 3 years later.  We started a ways back with some drainage in two areas of #5 fairway which has produced great results with better turf coverage throughout and less puddling after it rains. Now we have started to fix the worst area in #6 fairway with some drainage and new sod. Below is a picture timeline of the first bad area that we have needed to fix for some time. We plan to continue in the next month or two as budget, time and weather allow.


The area on #6 before prepping and drainage

Old sod removed and ready for drainage

Tom trenching all of the drain lines

Drain lines are ready to be cleaned out

Final touches before the sod shows up

Sod is down and getting watered for the first time.

Tom finishing up the next morning with an aerification of the
surrounding area.

     Tom and the guys did an awesome job on this project. After the sod takes hold and we can mow this area we will remove the rope line. Until then we ask that all players take relief and drop your ball outside of the white line.