Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy (Belated) New Year!!!

So it's a little after new years and I'm finally posting again on the blog. Since my last blog in November, the maintenance staff has gone through a whirlwind of weather circumstance but come through it all to now possible having to water soon. The month of December brought us 4.84" of rain and a few frosty mornings while the month of January started out wet and has turned into some of the most beautiful weather we've had in the last couple of months. I hope that those of you that are local have been playing alot as conditions and weather couldn't be better.
 In the next few days I will be posting some pictures of the projects we have been working on over the last couple months. But before I do that I wanted to post a picture of my crew and publicly let them know that I am very proud to have all of them and the accomplishments that we as a team have made in the last couple of years. I am also very excited to have this team as we move into the new year with new challenges. Thanks again guys!