Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Seams Like Some Sod

At about 5:30 yesterday morning we had a delivery truck of sod show up in the parking lot. By 8:30 the guys had all 2700 square feet laid out. By 9:30 all of the ends were cut to fit and the sod was getting watered. It was a smooth process that should turn out just a good as the previous area we had sodded a few weeks ago. We're going to try to keep everyone off of this area for the next couple of weeks to give the sod the best chance of taking hold. Depending on the weather we will probably be mowing with a walk mower by the end of next week. We will also be aerifying the area around the sod before the end of this week if time allows. We were a little off on our measurement so we should receive another pallet to finish off the last bit by early next week.
As a side note to this project you will see our mechanic Jim on our tractor in the background of the third picture below. He was out aerifying the rough on holes #5 and #6 while we were laying sod. We tend to struggle quite a bit with these rough areas during the summer. We will be following up with some seed and fertilizer be weeks end to try to build a better stand of turf before the summer months hit.