Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A little perk-up

Yesterday the golf course received a little perk-up from two different sources. The first came from a much needed fertilizer application.

With the threat of rain yesterday morning we didn't think we would be able to time our fertilizer application before the rain, but as fate would have it we were able to get out and fertilize wall to wall before any rain.
During our lunchtime the turf got its second perk-up with a much needed 3/10" of rain.

This was the first significant rainfall in about five months.
As we were out mowing and prepping the course this morning you could see the turf standing more upright and already had better color. I'm sure the fertilizer is just starting to kick in but it sure is amazing what a little rain can do on its own!

- Posted by Austin Daniells, Golf Course Superintendent