Friday, April 20, 2012


     Springtime is always a very busy time on the golf course. It's always nice on Friday to look back at a busy week a feel proud of what my staff and I accomplished throughout the week. This was definitely one of those weeks on the course. From a surprise shotgun on Monday to laying some leftover sod on Friday afternoon. We had a busy week!
     We started out the week by completing our spring fairway aerification that had not been completed the week before due to that rain we received last week. This was finished by Wednesday and the fairways were blown off before the final mow on Friday. Overall it was a successful aerification and should prove to help with water and air movement down to the roots for a stronger plant through out the summer months. We are going to try and slice the fairways once a month for the next five months before we aerify again in September.

Enrique Blowing #18 Fairway

     This week we were also able to finish with our sod project on #6 fairway. Scott and Enrique had the 700 square feet of sod laid by lunch on Wednesday and were also able to fix a couple small areas on #10 & #13 tees too. Then on Friday afternoon we scrambled to fix an area #4 by the fairway bunker. Those two guys pulled it off and got the last bit of sod on the ground before quitting time so we didn't waste any sod. We will fine tune the area on Monday and should be playable in a couple of weeks.
Scott and Enrique finishing up #6 sod

#6 Finished

Fixing an area on #13 tee

     The rest of the week was filled with a bunch of mowing, fertilizing the fairways, changing out ball washer fluid, tree trimming, a little bit of hand watering on the greens and a bunch of other little projects. Overall, a very productive week on the course which makes me very proud of the staff we have here @ the pines.

Hung Trimming some trees

Tom spreading Organic Fertilizer on the fairways

Nice look @ #4 Fairway

Finishing up the week by double mowing fairways